This post regards hardwood floors and pets.
Hardwood flooring is a good choice for a floor when you have pets.
Everyone knows pets can and do have accidents. Well these accidents will puddle up on a wood floor and can be easily wiped up and cleaned. As opposed to carpeting that conceals the accidents. Pet deposits then seep not only into the carpet but also the pad and possibly beyond. After a few to many accidents the home will begin to smell of pet urine.
When these carpets and pads are then pulled up for the installation of another product it becomes a toxic affair. If a hardwood floor exists under the carpet pet stains can penetrate deep down into the hardwood and create dark staining. But the beauty of hardwood is it can be sanded, the stains removed or if need be the deeply stained hardwood planks can be replaced then the floor is refinished and brought back to like new condition.
Another issue is scratches from your pets nails. Most scratches can simply be sanded out when you have your floors refinished.
Also the beauty of hardwood is that a maintenance coat can be applied say every five years. This is a very cost effective method of keeping your floors looking beautiful even if you are a pet owner.
Folks that own rentals with wood floors love the fact that a maintenance coat is not costly and renews the floors as to say putting in new carpeting for the new tenant.
I hope this has been a helpful post. The majority of folks now days have pets. So to make your life less stressful when it comes to your floors consider hardwood.